
Exclusive Perks and Amenities: Making Resort Fees Worth It for Guests and Hotels Alike

Resort fees are a contentious topic in the hospitality industry, but when done right, they can offer exclusive perks that guests crave. In this article, we explore what guests really want from resort fees and how they can help your property stand out from the competition. Learn how to create a package of amenities that feels like a real value-add for guests and differentiate your property with unique experiences that can’t be found anywhere else.

Exclusive Perks and Amenities: Making Resort Fees Worth It for Guests and Hotels Alike Read More »

San Diego Presidio Park

Shouldn’t the San Diego Presidio Park be in the top 100 attractions on Tripadvisor?

You would be wrong to think the first Spanish settlement on the west coast is a popular attraction in San Diego As the biggest travel advisor online, TripAdvisor has 490 million monthly active users and they rank as number 1 in the Travel and Tourism category in the US. And with their partner site, Viator,

Shouldn’t the San Diego Presidio Park be in the top 100 attractions on Tripadvisor? Read More »

La Jolla Jewel by the Sea

An Interview with Ann Collins, Author of “La Jolla – Jewel By the Sea”

I was delighted to recently interview award-winning photographer and author, Ann Collins, about her coffee table book, La Jolla: Jewel by the Sea. My interview was inspired by a mutual love and appreciation for La Jolla’s splendor, history, lifestyle and heritage. I was intrigued by the synchronicities of what Ann was capturing in her book

An Interview with Ann Collins, Author of “La Jolla – Jewel By the Sea” Read More »

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